Friday, 19 June 2015

It's your life in those years that count.

Behold!!I am 27. Yes. The chilly, great 10th of June delivered the packaged 27th wrinkle. No major 'turn up' party took place .No dinner party. No birthday stokvel. Nothing. The day just didn't give birth to any sort of celebration. Bless facebook for reminding and propelling the majority of my known and unknown friends about the day. I received a little over 100 messages, and my heart echoes thank yous. A big shout out goes to those who effortlessly remembered that although the six to my twenty was changing to a seven, my bank account number remained the same. I promise the money was used wisely.

Praises be unto the most High God. The Man upstairs has been absolutely amazing. He always saved me from the unfortunate whips of this thing called life. Like when He gave me the courage to throw a brick right on the knee of the guy who bullied me in primary school( He still has the scar, and he never waited for me at the school gate on a Friday afternoon after the incident), when He planted the idea to stop smoking dagga back in high school before I got addicted (I was never caught or addicted but the memory of how my stomach would immediately demand to be filled with food is tagged to me), when He afforded me the ability not to slip into a blackout after a drinking spree in the clubs of Melville when I deputed as a first year university student ( My results came back with a READMISSION REFUSED stamp, and sent me packing and relocating to Limpopo), when He saved me from the wreath of the law that day in Kempton park when I  almost got arrested for public drinking ( Bless the brown envelope, it works wonders in such situations!!!), and when He repeatedly healed and nursed the wounds my heart has suffered time and again.

In simple terms, God saved me from me. So many times. Although I don't and choose not to remember some of the times He came to my rescue, I am grateful that I know His grace and mercy and love and protection have tirelessly joined forces to place my feet where they are. No doubt. King God is the man, believe me, and believe in Him. (Soundtrack: Andre Crouch's I don't know why Jesus loves me).

Over the years, I've realised that this tapestry that is life is made colourful by the swings and roundabouts experiences it presents to us. Sometimes it feels like it has quenched its thirst with holy water, and sometimes, devil juice. Insane and Sane at the same time. Smiles and frowns. Birth and death. It is just as wonderful as it can be dreadful. But still, I remain grateful for the gift of life and its experiences,   and below are some of the lessons I have learnt:

1. This life is a battle worth fighting for

Truth is, many a times we have been faced with difficult situations that seemed like they could swallow us alive and never let us proceed to where we want to be, and instead of letting that happen we fought back. The fears, the difficulty of getting something done, the thoughts of quitting, wounded egos and all, we managed to fight back because if we didn't, stagnance would rule and success be a rumour. Keep on fighting, it's worth it!!

2. Life is no safe bet

Never underestimate the power of taking risks. It will take you places. Kick the fear of uncertainty and just do it.   

3. Prayer changes.

I might not pray as much as I should (or they say we should), but boy, I pray and He answers. A lot of changes in my life are as a result of prayer. Make it a habit, reader!!  

4. Books are the most amazing and patient teachers.

Reading can change your perspective on life. Totally. I am talking about all genres of books but Mills and Boon, no thank you. Make reading fashionable in your clique and thank me later                                                                                                 

5. Do something completely out of your comfort zone.You wont die.

Explore. Do something different.  I actually took a detour into the teaching profession with no qualification or prior experience, a bumpy ride it was at first, but hey I'm glad I did it. Of course it came with money and at a time when I wasn't sure what plan I had after completing my degree, but it was something I always told myself I'd never get into. Alas! two years later I hold the retired teacher  ( yes, RETIRED!lol) title with pride and a story to tell, and I've since taken a decision that I'll go back to teaching again for the fulfilment it comes with and school holiday perks, but not in the next 10 years.

6. Love like you've never been hurt before

Aha! This lesson. My heart has been through a serious workout regimen when it comes to matters pertaining to relationships, romantic and otherwise. But I remain hopeful. And wear my tragedies as armour, not shackles for I know if I don't take lessons from the heartbreaks, I'll find myself in the same situation again. I have no reason not to love, and plenty to. It's my birth right.

7. A positive attitude is everything.

The power of positive thinking is unsurpassed. Anticipate success and happiness. And spread it wherever you go. I know it is contagious.

There are so many other lessons, but these are my top 7.I've rebelled all I can when afforded the opportunity, learnt some lessons,  reshuffled my priorities and hell yeah, at just 27 I think I got this.

#Allowmetosharethiswithyou... they say growing old is experience wrapped in wrinkles, and its not the years in your life that count, but your life in those years. I totes agree. This maturity thing does resemble wine, it gets better with time.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Wt a lovely piece of work, damn it has been a journey travelled. Lol i cn jst imagine u smoking dagga, public drinking u n n n n n. Bravo i love ur writtings. #Mbaaaaaaaaaaaaaadog.


    1. Ke leboga kudu monna waka wa moAFrika..wa di goba,wa go ema.Kera wena senatla saka sa slender.

  2. Just. Yes.

    Well done on reaching 27 thriving!


    1. Thank you very much Ms Thinkingsandthunkings.I appreciate your support

  3. Oh what an interesting journey! With such valuable lessons, I have no boubt that you can tackle anything that life throws at you. Thanks for sharing hun.

  4. Blessed be the brains behind this piece.

  5. This is beautiful and inspiring. Keep writting. I love the humour and the fun in your blogs. So much to look forward to. Lots of love 😍

  6. Beautiful piece lady..i will subcribe.

  7. Beautiful piece lady..i will subcribe.
